This week we’re talking about your goals for 2015 in the context of 10x.

As in how can you 10x your business, not just double the revenue?

10x Reach

I build eCommerce and Membership sites (you can hire me here) so in theory I get to reach a lot of people already but most of my clients don’t really change the lives of their customers.

Purchasing a new coffee cup does little to truly affect the position of a customer.

One of my favourite clients this year was Greater Impact. Greater Impact has courses that help women have awesome marriages.

When someone goes through a Greater Impact course it not only affects them, it affects their kids, and spouse, and usually others around them since they’re likely to pass on information from the course to friends.

My work with Greater Impact has a huge reach. It changes lives all around and that makes the work feel so much more awesome.

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2015 Projects

As I look ahead at 2015, one of my goals is to work on more projects that have that type of reach.

I want to work with clients that don’t just ‘sell things’. I want to work with clients that bring transformational value to their customers so that my work has a 10x reach.

When I talk in terms of 10x for my business, it’s about so much more than revenue — it’s about impact.

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What would it look like for your business to have a 10x reach? How can you change your business or your habits so you’re having a greater impact?

photo credit: kthai cc