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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

3 ways to organize your stuff – piling, filing or tagging.

Jeffery shared how he took a note and turned it into a piece of content.

Productivity Game summarized Building a Second Brain.

There are benefits to losing yourself in aimless thought.

Dan did a video of the introduction to his book How to Make Notes and Write. I got my copy over the weekend and will dig into it in the next few weeks.

Scott takes a while to get started, but then he shows off taking notes on How to Write a Thesis by Umberto Eco.

I did a video on GTD in your PKM system. As usual part of my advice is to just do the hard work…there is no magic tool.

How do you capture content to store later? I put stuff in DEVONthink and then if it’s warranted, I make my personal note in Obsidian.

Some tools to help you take notes on video content. Then this thread has more suggestions.

Nicole talks about different methodologies and shows what she uses as she’s adapted them to her workflow.

Justin did another edition of his Think with me Thursday.

The OP here is asking for a system that can transcend note tools and the commentors have many good suggestions for resources.

Ryan Holiday’s 3 Step system for reading like a pro.

What should you write in your weekly review note?

Something Interesting

Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.

Read about an absurd rule that shows how much we shape life around owning a car.

30% of published research is false.

I found this video on the “anti-work” movement good.


If you use OneNote here is a rundown of the Windows and Android updates over the last few months.

Using nested tags in DEVONthink.

NotePlan improved its note linking and then showed it off in a video.

What about NotePlan as a task manager?


Dario did a beginners tour on the Keep Productive YouTube channel.


Here is a reading workflow in Craft.

What about URL schemes in Craft?

Questions about sharing a document in a private Craft space.


You can hide specific folders from your Obsidian Publish site with CSS.

You can now buy some Obsidian merch. I’ll probably grab a hoodie and a shirt next payday.

Nicole showed how she uses the Quick Add plugin.

Obsidian Roundup for the week is out

Are community plugins safe? No, they’re not 100% safe, but most of the software we use can never promise 100% safety.

How can we make a line chart in Obsidian?


You can now get Roam extensions easier with Roam Depot.

RJ Nestor did a video on installing Smart Blocks from Roam Depot. Seems there are some extra steps to it if you had the old Smart Blocks extension installed.

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.