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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

How Carl Pullein organizes his writing. (youtube)

Will Zettelkasten remain important when AI can summarize things for you? (reddit) Yes, it will because AI is not intelligent. It’s merely regurgitating things people have written in other places. This is a good discussion on how AI is not smart at all.

Should you separate your Zettelkasten projects? (reddit)

Antinet cards on a Kanban board? (reddit) I like the idea of Kanban for organizing writing projects, or getting a new view into your notes.

Time to toss Zettelkasten because Charles Darwin used loose slips of paper? (reddit)

I’m joking, but there is often something to glean from other note methods.

The OP is doing research into reading habits if you have a few minutes to fill out the survey. (reddit)

Something Interesting

Because we’re all looking to expand our minds a bit.

We’re getting really concerned about Tiktock, but what about all the other devices watching you?

You don’t actually want to not work, you want to not work on things you don’t care about.


What about Vim/NeoVim as your task and note manager? (medium) I’ve been a Vim user for over a decade and just started looking at NeoVim so this has big appeal for task management at least. (web)

Did you know that DEVONthink works with Take Control Books to give you a free copy of the Take Control of DEVONthink 3 book? Well, they do and it just got updated. (web)

Easy scanning and OCR of documents on iPad. (web)

Getting Started with NotePlan. (youtube)

Will a change in technology help your writing? (youtube) Not sure I love this idea though as people change tech all the time instead of just doing the work.

Is Notion still the best tool to view databases? (reddit)


Here is some great info on creating flashcards in Remnote. (reddit)


Create a website in Craft. (youtube)

So Craft doesn’t have RTL support? (reddit) I didn’t find anything to say differently but if I’m wrong let the OP know.

I didn’t realize that Craft doesn’t use the macOS built-in autocorrect system. (reddit)


I did a video showing how I make iFrames easy in Obsidian. (web)

Nicole shares how she’s planning to write a book in public with Obsidian. (youtube)

Nicole interviewed the new CEO of Obsidian.(youtube)

Creating timelines in Obsidian. (reddit)

Obsidian tour for PhD students, part 2. (youtube)

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.

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