I’ve been spending a bit of time customizing my setup which had me find oh-my-posh as a terminal theme and Kitty.

To install oh-my-posh run the following command.

curl -s https://ohmyposh.dev/install.sh | bash -s

Then to set your shell to use it run these commands.

// run in terminal
// the install step should give you the command with proper location
export PATH=$PATH:/home/curtismchale/.local/bin

// put in .zshrc
eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh)"

// run in terminal
exec zsh

While that worked in the current terminal every time I’d start Kitty for the day I’d see oh-my-posh command not found and then have to go through adding to my PATH again and exec zsh again. I dealt with that for a bit, and didn’t bother with it some days because I have work to do, until I found that you can add something to the zsh PATH in .zshrc easily.

// append

// prepend
path=('/home/curtismchale/.local/bin' $path)

With that addition Kitty and oh-my-posh have been working as expected together.