Years of social media have managed to convince us that a scrollable timeline, a comment box with a characters limit and a like button are the tools we need to use to connect with each other. That is a big fucking lie and if you don’t believe me write me an email and I’ll be happy to show you. – Tiny Corners

The only social media I use regularly is Mastodon, but with all the anger I’ve seen lately1 many of my interactions there have been stressing me out as well. I’m no sitting with a coffee listening to some music going through my RSS feeds and while I’m reading some posts about similar topics, the stress isn’t there.

At least for now I’m going to focus more on RSS and reading books than interacting on any social media platform.

I’ll focus on my tiny corner and try to make it as inclusive as I can.

  1.  Anger that’s justified at the orange baby and the space idiot ↩︎