Category: Book Club

  • Justice, Power, and the Trap of Weaponized Gratitude – Lessons from Right Thing Right Now by Ryan Holiday


    Reminder if you’re part of the book club and have thoughts on this month’s book I encourage you to publish them and send me a link so I can include it in next week’s wrap up of our book for January. A core topic of discussion in Holiday’s look at justice in Right Thing Right…

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  • Scarcity contracts moral circles of concern


    The moral circle was first talked about by Stoic philosopher Hierocles in 2AD and is defined as the number and type of entities you give moral consideration. In the context of Right Thing Right Now, Holiday talks lots about justice and who justice applies to in society. Which of the people in your city are…

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  • Right Thing Right Now – Insights the First


    As a child you’re taught to tell the truth, at least that’s what I teach my kids coming down far harder on them for lying about eating all the candy than for eating all the candy if they tell the truth about it. Yet when I sit back and look at the news I see…

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