Category: Productivity
This is about being effective with your time and being focused on the right things to do each day or at each stage.
It could overlap with PM when we talk about your time on a project.
Putting aside time to write
My friend Matthew has been trying to write a blog post a day and has been having trouble with it. I think that every writer has this at some point. They day to day of life (kids, laundry, clients/job) just gets in the way of what we want to do. If you’re thinking that this…
Shortcuts to make your Evernote workflow faster
I’m gearing up to write a few big posts on Evernote, but I figured I’d give you a taste today. Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts and methods I use to make Evernote more useful to my workflow. Evernote Shortcuts All of these are executed inside the Evernote application. ⌃⌘m – Move a note…
Forget your Haters
One of the great podcasts I have started listening to is EntreLeadership. If you want to get great advice from proven leaders here is a spot to do it. The most recent episode (as of April 22, 2013) is with Jon Acuff about his book start. One of the best things they talk about is…
What is my Single Purpose?
In episode 185 the Internet Business Mastery podcast talks about your single motivating purpose. I’ve got to say that I’m simply not sure. Yes my business is doing well, but I can’t say that the extra cash is actually increasing my happiness. We have no debt already and we can plan for a few months…
Learning the Stress email Causes
note: I found this in my archives of posts. I went through this about 8 months ago but thought it was interesting now to see where I’m at with email and how I got there. In the summer of 2011, I moved this site from a single WordPress install on GoDaddy (I didn’t know any…
No One Will Care
Recently I was sitting talking with my wife about the current state of our kitchen. It all functions, but it’s often a bit cluttered. I won’t say messy because the sink is full of clean dishes rather than dirty ones. We both feel some social burden to make sure we have put away all those…
Know Thyself
During an interview for a podcast recently I mentioned that you really need to know yourself before you can decide if you should be working in a web agency or be working for yourself. Today I want to expand on that thought a bit more. I Took a Job In late 2011 I took a…
Your Workspace Can Make you a Better Programmer
Came across a great article on what factors make someone a great programmer. It’s not salary or years of experience. The best predictor of writing good code is having control of your work area and having a relatively private work area. I know that days my wife interrupts me often (and she is awesome at…
The Programming Rat Race
For a while now I’ve been feeling like something has been missing in my programming work. I’ve referred to it as ‘craftsmanship’ when trying to express the sentiment to someone else. You know, the ability to really hone something to as close to perfections as possible give you current skill set. But that, unfortunately, is…
Throw Away TODO Items
Eric Davis asks a simple one line question. What would happen if you threw away 10% of your TODO items every day, not finished threw away. So I took a look at my TODO list and realized that at least 10% of it is simply things I mean to do at some point. They’ve been…