High school student builds his own laptop
Yes you read the title right. This high school student built his own laptop and it’s not some janky thing it’s a viable usable laptop.
Jan 2025 Reading Recap
I know I’m always looking for good book recommendations, as much as wanting to know which books are not worth reading. To that end I’ll be doing a monthly recap of the books I read with a recommendation so you can populate or weed books out of your TBR pile. Non-Fiction Decluttered by Jenny Albertini…
If you’re asshole things get leaked people think you’re an asshole – stop whining Zuckerberg
Reading this article from 404 about Mark Zuckerberg being annoyed that anything he says leaks and causes damage to his company…maybe stop saying shitty things that devalue humans. It’s possible Marky that you’re being an asshat and many of your employees don’t agree with you and want to share that you’re being an asshat. If…
Can you do the right thing even when others don’t?
This is the third book in Ryan Holiday’s series on the four cardinal virtues from stoic philosophy. Courage is Calling covers courage, temperance is covered by Discipline is Destiny and this covers justice. His coming book will cover wisdom. Holiday’s investigation of justice covers three different areas. First he covers what justice means in your…
Performative Reading Goals
As we finish up the first month of 2025 people are still all fired up about their goals, though some are already seeing the cracks in the self they projected into 2025. Today I want to address the reading goal and it’s value for the quality of your life and the quality of your reading.…
Will my kids want my books?
Robert Breen says no and he’s probably right, though they all say they want some of the books when I ask them today. While I place value on my book collection of a personal nature that exceeds the monetary value of the books, I also realise that as I age I need to talk to…
Opt Out of Gemini Email Summaries
If you want to use Gmail then 404 has a post on how to turn off Gemini summaries but of course the easiest way to do this is to not use Gmail. Proton is a good option.
Don’t Confront Powerful People
Once again, don’t go into the company of powerful people, particularly white ones, and point out the obviousness of systemic racism. They have a label for that, “identity politics.” When you think independently of the narrative that people are comfortable with, you make them uncomfortable and based on my experience, that is a grave sin.…
Justice, Power, and the Trap of Weaponized Gratitude – Lessons from Right Thing Right Now by Ryan Holiday
Reminder if you’re part of the book club and have thoughts on this month’s book I encourage you to publish them and send me a link so I can include it in next week’s wrap up of our book for January. A core topic of discussion in Holiday’s look at justice in Right Thing Right…