Motivating Yourself to Freelance and Work Fulltime
I was recently asked what motivated me to keep working and freelance. There was a time, about a year ago now, that I worked 40 hours a week at my full time job and 30 hours a week freelancing. Add to that the fact that we own one car and my wife finished 1 –…
Cycling Question of the Week – November 1 – 7
I’m sure we’ve all had a mishap with our bikes and wondered if the frame is still safe to ride, or maybe if it’s repairable at all. Well hop on over to for the answer to that question about bike frame repair.
WordPress Stackexchange Question of the Week – November 1 – 7
This week’s instalment is a bit self serving, I answered the question. Ever wanted to add a custom image to your single blog posts that show up on Facebook? If you’re already using post thumbnails (featured images) then it’s entirely possible with a line of conditional code in your header and some extra code in…
Essentials of my OSX Setup November 2010
Since I wrote the first installment of this post I purchased a new MacBook Pro. Of course I just used my own post to grab all the software I needed and found that we needed some revisions. I’ve still got some holes, specifically around virtualization and testing stuff in Windows. I’ve typically used Virtual Box…
Contribute to Documentation Even if It’s Not Sexy
We should all contribute to open source projects. If you’re building websites you’re using something open source and it just seems right that we should give something back. The real sexy thing to so when contributing to open source is committing code. For every open source project that’s out there I’m sure you can find…
WordPress StackExchange Question of the Week – Oct 24 – 30
We all know that Google looks at the speed of your site when it comes to your search rankings. Sure WordPress is pretty fast but you can set it up in a way that doesn’t help it perform. Specifically you need to be careful how you set your permalinks. This week’s question deals with a…
Including code in WordPress Child Themes
A project of even moderate size easily builds up quite a few items in it’s functions.php file. Even when working on a child theme I find that it’s not uncommon to need to add a custom admin panel or a custom post type. There is another gotcha in child themes though. Typical code samples that…
Blogging With Ecto
Recently I wrote a post about using MarsEdit as a desktop blogging client. In my quest for a decent solution I also took a look at Ecto. Good Any blogging client I use needs to have an HTML view. I write HTML all day and prefer to have exact control over my markup. Ecto gets…
Best Resources for Cycling Training Information
Since I’ve been reading lots about training lately in prep for possibly racing in the 2011 season I figured I’d round-up the list of resources I’m looking at for the latest information on training. I have a preference for sites that are using actual scientific research when commenting on training. VeloNews VeloNews is not only…
WordPress StackExchange Question of the Week – Oct 17 – 23
This week we’ll highlight a StackExchange question dealing with corrupted databases. The question asker has corrupt tables, specifically term tables, that are causing incorrect data to be displayed. Basically he lost all his tags. Our answer comes from Denis and deals with repairing tables. Hit the link below for a full explanation on repairing broken…