News around the Blogoshpere
I thought today I would bring you up to speed with some of the neat things I found in my feedreader today. Smashing Magazine is offering 67 free photoshop brushes today. They are free to use for any project but not to distribute. Over at Niki’s DesignO’Blog there are some very cool tech coasters that…
5 Blogs Beginning Web Designers Should Read
Boagworld Boagworld was one of the first blogs I started to follow when getting into web design. Paul Boag and Marcu Lillington host this podcast for all of those people who are working with websites on a daily basis. Most of the blogging content is directly related to the audio podcast they also offer. I…
Freelancers Make yourself Accessible
A number of my readers are freelancers. We are always trying to find ways to get more work in the door with the least amount of effort. Often for freelancers that means using email. I would often much rather talk to a client via email than over the phone. It’s quick and I can fit…
Upgrade to CS4?
So many of us have heard that Adobe has announced Sept. 23rd as the product launch date for CS4. I personally have been using DW CS4 since the private beta came out a few months ago and while I love it I still wonder if it is worth the expense of the upgrade to CS4.…
Moving a WordPress Blog Part 2
So tonight was the time to really start the design of the blog. I logged back into the back end of wordpress only to notice that the build I was currently working on was not the current build. Sucks for me but ultimately better to find out now before I have any visual styling done…
Google Chrome
The blogosphere is all abuzz with Google’s new entry into the browser market. I realize that I’m a little guy but I thought that I would share my impressions of the new browser. No screenshots here as many others have done it much better that I will have the time for. My first irritation is…
Moving a WordPress Blog
Over the next few weeks I will be moving this hosted blog to a self hosted site as part of my continued effort to improve my search engine optimization and marketing. I thought that it would be fun to take you along. So…. After doing some research (this is my first wordpress implementation) I decided…
Making Brushes in Adobe Photoshop CS3
I started this tutorial with the intent of making some woodgrain brushes. The tree image I picked to work on yeilded better grunge brushes though so that is what we will look at today but stay tuned for some free wood grain brushes later this week. Also remember to save your work regularly. I had…
Switch back to IE
This is spawned from an article on ArsTechina regarding the new IE 8 beta 2. (edited) I have now also found and article on Lifehacker. Check them both out for details on IE 8 I am an avide Firefox user. That is what I use on my PC at home and my Mac at work.…
Cool Web Developments
Surfing through my RSS feeds today I came upon a number of very cool web developments that I thought I would bring to your attention. IE 8 InPrivate browsing. Pulled from ArsTechnica. Looks like IE 8 may mean that analytics programs we use to track our site traffice will no longer work. One of the…