Tag: coding
Centering A Single Buffer in NeoVim
When you’re working on a single buffer on a widescreen monitor you end up looking far to the left which over the course of the day can result in some neck pain. Previously my solution was to split NeoVim and work on the right buffer via the :vsplit command. But recently I found Centerpad.nvim which…
Getting the Right Coding Environment
I typically use MacVim with Janus (I’ve stripped some things out) mainly because of the navigation and the fact that you really don’t ever need to take your hands off the keys. I still find that MacVim is missing things, like completion of functions in a project, or adding extra folders to a project. When…
I love Vim and Textmate
If you follow me you’ll notice that I’ve been playing with Vim lately. For almost a year now I’ve been a TextMate fan but something about Vim just called to me. Maybe it was the feeling that knowing Vim increased my geek cred just like terminal hackery does. Why Vim Really anyone doing any type…
The Great Windows Code Editor Hunt: Komodo Edit
Second up on my list of code editors to review is Komodo Edit. No we’re not talking about the paid IDE but the free version. The Good Komodo Edit is developed on the Mozilla platform which means it’s a cross-platform code editor just like Firefox is a cross-platform web browser. As I said when I…