Normally I’m a voracious reader, to the tune of at least a book a week. I read everything from The Natural History of BC to Professional WordPress Plugin Development. I throw a bit of fiction in from time to time but really I normally try to make my reading learning focussed.

Recently I just was bored with everything, even the fiction I was working through, I just didn’t want to read at all. Then I saw a recommendation for Darth Plagues, from 52Tiger.

While I enjoy the Star Wars movies I’ve never found any of the books to be particularly well written. A friend of mine gave me a whole stack of books and there were a number of Star Wars books, all of which were terrible. What piqued my interest was the fact that the book ‘fills in’ backstory for the Phantom Menace. Glad I read it, good book.

The bigger item of note is that I sat down and read the book in a few days. Not only was it good I got excited again about the other items that I was reading.

Get out of your normal realm sometimes and it may just rejuvenate you.