I just finished installing a WordPress Mutlisite system and mapping a bunch of domains so I could consolidate a few sites I keep up to date for friends/family that have businesses and needed a quick web presence. While the consolidation and mapping will save me a ton of time (don’t have to update every site anymore).
I was thinking that I’m pretty much running my own version of WordPress.com now but I’m missing one pretty dang sweet feature, that admin bar.
For those unfamiliar with WordPress.com, it provides an admin toolbar across the top of any WordPress.com site (if you’re logged in) that gives you links back to your own site, admin, stuff. It links from both the front and backend of the site.
So to finish off my setup I installed WordPress Admin Bar. The only real draw back I found was that I have to configure it on each site. Really you just have to set it to display while on the admin screens but it would have been nice to skip that step.
Go check it out.