Yeah I use Textmate everyday and it’s got lots of features. In fact it’s got so many that I discover new ones on a regular basis. Here are some of my favourites.

Vertical Editing

Ever wanted to edit a vertical line of code? Well TexMate lets you do that. Hold alt and drag your vertical selection. TextMate will add whatever text you’ve typed into each line selected. Saves you tons of time

Align Assignments

So you’re building a large array and then you look back at it and the code just isn’t neat like you wanted. Highlight that whole selection and press alt-cmd-]. This aligns ‘rockets’ and equals signs to help keep your code pretty.

Duplicate Line Selection

Ever start building a list and want to add multiple list items? Well ctrl-cmd-D is the key combination you need. It will copy the line and paste it directly below the selected line.

Comment Your Code

Often I’m testing things and need to comment out a chunk of code and it’s a PITA to do it line by line. cmd-/ to the rescue. Highlight your selection and this key command will automatically wrap it in comments. Need to take the comments away, just do it again and they’re gone.

Go To Line

Debugging CSS with FireBug and need to find that line quick? Luckily FireBug lists the line and TextMate lets you jump to a line in the file with cmd+L.


I disable the CAPSLOCK key on my keyboard all the time since I use Vim sometimes and capital letters can mean something totally different than it’s lowercase sibling. Often things in WordPress require all caps though so I use crtl+U to make it all Uppercase. There are also commands for all sorts of other case changes found under the Text menu.