Riding this weekend I dropped my wallet. I was lucky and a kind stranger tracked me down online and returned it with everything intact, but it got me to thinking about some things I miss with my cycling jersey.
### A ‘Safe’ Pocket
I think that jersey’s for most riders should have a smallish pocket for your keys and your emergency cash. I’d put it inside the jersey at the back, possibly with a bit of velcro to make sure it stays shut. This would have saved me from dropping my ID and Bank Card today.
The safe pocket could also go on the bib shorts somewhere.
### Headphone Hole
Yes many riders (possibly most) say riding with audio of any sort decreases safety since you can’t hear cars approaching as early. I certainly can’t deny that having audio playing decreases how much other noise you can hear, but I still do it and I wish that my jersey had a small hole somewhere to pass the cord through. I’d think the seam on one side would be the ideal spot. It would keep the cable from flapping around in the wind, which is annoying.
### Headphone Catch
Just like many sweaters and jackets have a little bit of elastic at the neck so should your jersey.
That’s it, a small list but one that I want.
Since I’ll undoubtably get emails about it, my current preferred brand of cycling apparel is [Twin Six][tw]. It’s currently the only gear I have though I’ll have some Sugoi to try after the [Fraser Valley GranFondo][gran]. If you’d like to support the site here is a link to Twin Six stuff on [Amazon][twa].
[tw]: http://www.twinsix.com/ “Twin Six Cycling Apparel”
[gran]: http://www.valleygranfondo.com/ “Fraser Valley GranFondo”
[twa]: http://www.amazon.com/mn/search/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=strugwithfait-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=twin%20six&url=search-alias%3Dapparel&sprefix=twin%20six%2Caps%2C445 “Twin Six Clothing on Amazon”