You deal with it every day and it’s an awesome sales tool.
You probably don’t even realize how awesome it is.
And being a heavily technical person (which I know most of my readers are) you may not even really enjoy the flood of it you get each day.
Yeah, I’m talking email.
email as a marketing tool
Did you know that email is the best way to sell your products? I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that part of the purpose of my email list is to build confidence with readers so that in the future I can sell them something.
I just try to make sure that I give them so much awesome stuff that 3 or 4 sales links in a year is totally worth it.
You know what I’m not great at with my email? Segmentation.
See there are a bunch of people on my list that click on everything and even email me back with questions. They are the people that really are my fans since they continue to interact with me all the time.
The fact is that I simply don’t know how to really dig into email marketing.
But you know who does…?
Eric Davis
Eric does lots of segmentation and testing of his email lists. He targets people to different email sequences based on their interactions with him.
He has email marketing nailed down. Even better, he can write the code (Ruby on Rails and Javascript) to build the custom tools you need to kick your email marketing into high gear.
As I start to dig deeper into segmentation and tailoring my email marketing he’s the guy that I talk to, because he knows his stuff.
photo credit: pasukaru76 via photopin cc