Today Apple announced an update to iPad Pro’s. They’re faster and they use USB C. One has a bigger screen with the same footprint. The other has the same size screen with a smaller footprint.

Coming from my iPad Pro 9.7” either of these would be a substantial upgrade, but I’m not purchasing either of them yet and here is why.

1. I Budget

To start, I budget for everything. I also don’t budget in advance for new tech. I don’t budget in advance for new tech because it’s so easy to get swept up in the “new and shiny” and purchase more than you need.

Now that I can see what they are, I’ll start to budget for them.

2. There is nothing wrong with my iPad Pro 9.7

Yes, the new ones are faster but there is nothing wrong with my current iPad Pro. It works day in day out to build websites, edit videos, record and edit audio. It does everything I need.

I didn’t look up the exact date I purchased this iPad, but they only started shipping in mid-2016 so at most this is just over 2 years old. It’s barely seen it’s life so it will last a bit longer.

3. Dongles and Extras

I’ve got a bunch of dongles for this iPad. All of those fit my phones. If I get a new iPad Pro I’ve got to repurchase all the dongles I need. I also have to purchase an Apple Pencil again because the old one doesn’t work with the new iPad Pro.

Now with that said, I do have one reason to purchase it. My wife is using an iPad Mini 3, and the kids borrow it lots. She’d love to have my current iPad Pro 9.7”.

Yes, I’ll likely purchase a new iPad, but it won’t be for a number of months until my budget matches the needs I have for the device.

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