I like that I can answer yes to [every single one of these questions](https://www.fastcompany.com/90394171/do-you-live-in-a-soft-city-heres-why-you-probably-want-to):

> Imagine yourself sitting in your home. What’s right outside your front door, and what’s within a 10-minute walk of it? Can you make it to a grocery store or a café on foot, or do you have to drive? Is there a shared space nearby, a park or a patio, where you can mingle with the people who live around you? Do you often see people out and about, or do your neighbors mostly stay inside? What about the street: Is it filled with only cars, or do you see people biking and taking transit? Do you feel safe walking on the sidewalk that lines your front door (if there even is a sidewalk)? Are there places to sit along it?

You should read the article, but I’ve already ordered [Soft City](http://www.amazon.com/dp/1642830186/?tag=strugwithfait-20) to go even deeper. This feels like the opposite of [car culture](https://curtismchale.ca/2019/08/02/were-cars-a-mistake/) that I’ve [read about recently](https://curtismchale.ca/2019/08/29/like-a-fat-man-loosening-his-belt-to-prevent-obesity), which is a good thing.