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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

Matt Gemmel talks about the multiple tools he uses for his writing process. He’s not looking for a single tool to do all the work.

Just past the 26th anniversary of Jamie’s journal, he talks about how he sets it up now in Obsidian.

Jeffery shared all his note types and how he uses them with examples.

You need a single source of truth for your knowledge.

This was a good article on users taking ownership of their data again which mentioned Obsidian and the Minimal Theme.

Ev Chapman has a new cohort coming for her Effortless Creator Course.

I published a video on why you should stop taking notes.

This is not the first article that’s been about playing with your setup more than publishing with it.

Becoming a publication machine with an Antinet Zettelkasten.

Eleanor’s Obsidian Roundup member’s post pointed me towards this note from Andy today. I’ve continued to ask myself what I’m producing outside of notes about how to take notes.

TfTHacker put together a Github repository for processing Readwise highlights in Obsidian.

Which direction do you link project notes?

Have you integrated your notes with VLC?

Can you help someone get started with note-taking?

Do you write notes while you read or after you read?

Something Interesting

Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.

An interesting article on how road design prompts aggression.

More on road design, some good thoughts on how we design business parks.

My wife and I have been watching The Principles of Pleasure on Netflix, and we highly recommend it.


There is a new Tool for Thought called Bike from excellent Mac developer Hog bay Software. There is some discussion about it on the Mac Power Users forum.

Another new entry in TfT software is Reflect.

If you’ve been having trouble with your DEVONthink document creation in Shortcuts, they have a tip to help.

Do you know how to exclude tasks in NotePlan? Maybe we can do it with a smart filter.


How do your restart your flashcard pile?


Here is a video showing you how to use Shortcuts with Craftcuts.

Here is one suggestion for finding overdue tasks on daily notes.

Some reasons you can’t use your own storage without a subscription.

Still no update on eXtensions for iOS and really there haven’t been updates on the API since release.


Pamela shared her weekly review workflow in Obsidian.

How to manage projects in Obsidian.

Obsidian and Morgen to manage your day.

How Leonardo used Obsidian to handle his PhD.

Read this if Obsidian is feeling too complicated.


Some tips for using Roam on mobile.

Here is a Pocket and Roam integration.

Can you customize the keyboard shortcuts in Roam on mobile?

What do you do with your notes linked on a daily page?

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.