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Bigger Ideas
Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.
Morgan swapped her screen time for reading time. I like that idea.
Jamie shows us how he uses his note tool to track all the data he needs for forms in his family.
If you’ve wondered about the Dewey Decimal System here is a short primer on it.
Pooja shares her approach to her mind-garden approach of sorting out her notes.
Jeremy shares how he’s using an antinet as an engineer.
If you’ve regularly planned to do daily or weekly reflections but fail as I do, Brandon has a system that may get you jumpstarted on regular reflection practice.
Nicole talks about how real people process notes. I like how she thinks about delaying notes.
Jeffery shares an update to how he is dealing with evergreen notes.
K Digital Studio used Zinia to rebuild her Bullet Journal on an iPad.
Scott walks us through how to install a book into an analogue antinet system.
Here are some tips on writing an argumentative thesis.
Github user brettromkamp has a fairly big list of PKM people, resources, systems, and other stuff.
Chris talked about some Drafts workflows, and his desire for backlinks.
AaronLWinter shared a guide to numbering Academic Disciplines for your Antinet Structure.
How do you go from antinet notes to written work?
Neat to see that a connection map of the internet looks very much like a knowledge graph.
Something Interesting
Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.
I liked this video on walkability and the health benefits across all economic strata in a city. Working at home I have to put in the effort to exercise, but I just like riding my bike.
Muse is launching v2.0 of their tool on May 24th.
A group of users on the Mac Power Users Forum is downloading Noteplan and talking about their experience with the software.
Logseq released version 0.6.8 and brought back encryption, included a Turkish translation, and improved breadcrumb navigation.
The Quick References plugin can help speed up your workflow.
How to write long-form content using Logseq.
I would love to see the ability to move multiple notes in Craft.
Any thoughts on how to put your shared Craft documents behind a password?
There is another round of the Obsidian Book Club starting. This time they’re covering A Brief History of Equality by Thomas Piketty.
The Sweet Setup did a whole series this week on Obsidian for task management.
- Obsidian Task Management Basics
- Obsidian Task Management Queries
- Obsidian Task Management Review
- Obsidian Task Management Notifications
I’m still not sure that managing your tasks with your notes is a great idea.
Darin shared a number of ways to quickly capture your notes in Obsidian with Shortcuts.
Obsidian just released vault sharing to Insiders with v0.14.10. Now, this looks interesting.
Lisa-Marie on how she’s using Roam to prepare for her Ph.D.
Here is a way to use Roam with a team.
Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.