What Your Bookshelf Says

David takes a look at the meaning behind your book habit. I’m currently a book stacker on the floor because I need to add a bunch of shelving to my office, but to do that I have to figure out where all the other stuff in my office goes. I purchase far more books than I read and I don’t feel bad about it.

I have the top 3 rows of shelf for non-fiction and the bottom 2 rows for fiction. After that it’s alphabetical by last name.


Hrm, I’ve always wanted to do this writing event but this video makes me question the organization. The big question here is AI in writing, but the bigger question is the other questions about grooming teens.

How did the Moleskine start?

This was an interesting article about the invention of the Moleskine notebook. While I prefer Leuchtturm notebooks, this still speaks to my love of notebooks. I keep a supply of around 10 notebooks and purchase the stack of replacements when I’m down to 2 in the pile. My notebook sits on my desk and gets written in almost daily.

It’s a journal, a tracker of the tasks I’m working on that day and sometimes a sketch book.