I’ve tried so many creative systems to make myself work faster. Again and again, I have found that pushing myself simply steals from the future. Every time I push too hard and cut back down to a sustainable pace, I’m tempted to test my boundaries, to add just a little more, a little more, a little more — when what I need to accept is that this is my sustainable workload with the life tradeoffs I’m willing and able to make. – Tracy Durnell

The whole post is great so go read it.

For years I had a theme of ‘rest’ going on. I wanted to rest more. Sit around in the hammock and just chill out. For years that’s been a hard thing to do because there is always something to do.

I have a new roof needed on the shop. Kids want me to build them loft beds with desks. I want to ride my bike.

Needless to say I’ve failed at finding any meaningful deep rest for years. This winter something has changed though. I got some new chairs in my office and setup a stereo system to play my CD collection in. I spent the weekend there sitting and reading with some interruptions for family stuff.

I’ve been doing this for a few weeks and I can say that many days I sit there and feel like I’m sinking deeper into the chairs and resting. I hope this can continue into the summer as I get to sit outside.

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