The task manager I use most is Things 3 and until very recently I’ve spent a lot of time doing a copy/paste dance between Things 3 and Obsidian to make sure that any notes I take are set up as proper tasks in my task manager. Now I can automate a lot of that process with the Obsidian Things Link plugin. Today we’ll take a look at how it works.
To get this plugin head to the Community Plugins screen on Obsidian and search for Obsidian Things Link. Once found install and enable it.
This plugin will give you two commands. First, you can use it to create a task from whatever line you are currently on in Obsidian. When it does this you’ll also get deep links to the task in Obsidian and the notes field in your Things task will have a deep link back to the note in Obsidian.
The second command will do the same, but for projects. When invoked it will create a new project that has a deep link back to Obsidian while the note you were on when you created the Things project will contain a deep link back to the project in Things 3.
I have been using this almost daily since I’ll end up recording tasks on my daily note page in Obsidian but need to schedule when the task should be done. While it’s possible to create some hacks to make this work in Obsidian, I much prefer a dedicated task manager. By using the Obsidian Things link plugin I can push the tasks off to their proper tool without losing access to the context of the task.
This is part of my Advanced Obsidian Workflows Series of Courses. Currently, it’s only available to members so become a member if you want to get the other courses about Things 3 and the future courses on Tracker, Dataview, and many other advanced features and workflows of Obsidian.
Getting Started with Obsidian
If you want to learn your way around Obsidian so that you can build a great note system then this course is for you. I’ll cover basic folder structure when to use tags or links, and the plugins I think everyone needs to make their Obsidian experience excellent. Plus much more. If you want all my courses, become a member.
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One response to “Using Obsidian with Things 3”
[…] I put together a video on using Obsidian and Things 3 together. […]