I had a standing desk for a bit. One week I had such leg pain that I simply couldn’t sit so I hacked together a bunch of books to prop up my keyboard and monitor in to something that was workable.
When I purchase a totally new office, I did not go to a standing desk. Not because I didn’t like my experience, my budget simply did not include a desk that could be raised and lowered. My office is also in my bedroom so I have some serious space constraints to deal with.
Now that I’ve seen this article on standing desks I do wish I had set the office up so that I could at least make the Kangaroo Pro Junior work. Unfortunately I have shelving above my desk (which is needed) that would not let my monitor get high enough to be ergonomic.
When I get a totally dedicated office (planned requirement for our next house) I’ll make sure I do have the room and budget for a proper standing desk.