This is a book directed at dads that want to be parents who break out of misogynistic stereotypes and empower their daughters. From addressing the emotional damage done to men when we put each other down by calling each other “pussies” which equates the worst thing a man can be to being a woman, to calling dads to a higher bar than society wants to let them get away with, Adamick calls for men to step up and push for a much more equal society by empowering the women they’re helping raise.
Adamick shows readers all the ways that society puts women down, which is horrifying when you realize it. He spends significant time asking why men (mostly white men) should get to debate the personhood of everyone else and then get to decide what rights everyone else has (like the right to abortion) without involving any of the groups that are being affected.
Overall, I find the book made me angry at how unequal society is and I’ve tried recognize when inequality is happening and use my white middle-aged dude status to help put a stop to it.
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