What are you highest payoff activities?

What is it in your business that you do that earns you the most money?

What is it that only you can do?

What is actually important and not just urgent?

In The Virtual Assistant Solution, Micheal Hyatt quite quickly asks these questions while he defines 6 steps to better success.


I’m at capacity lately which is pretty awesome in some ways but very tiring in many others.

I’ve got 2013 receipts to enter so I can get to my 2014 taxes and figure out how much I still owe the government.

Then there are 2014 receipts to get done.

I’ve got an agency site I’m working on (yup I’ll incorporate this year) which needs copyrighting work.

I’ve got invoicing to do each Friday and estimates to send out.

Most of that is not something that requires all of my time in front of a screen. Almost anyone can enter my reciepts.

The best person to write case studies isn’t me it’s someone with more experience writing effective case studies.

Do you write awesome case studies? I’m looking for someone to help me with SFNdesign. No I’m not asking for free work either.

I need to cover the technical details in my estimates but much of the rest can be put together for me. If I put time in to training someone then I could even hand off some of the technical portion as well.

Of course I’m going to work hard to lead properly and not abandon anyone.

When you’re starting out you’re going to need to cover many bases that might not be your core strength. Once you build up some positive cash flow and a strong savings you really need to start looking at getting help.

Even if you’re not ready today, sit down and identify the things that only you can do. Identify the things that make you the most money. Identify the things that really fire you up about your job.

Then figure out how to start passing all the tasks that don’t fall in to the above items to someone who has a core competency in those tasks.