Today is a round up of resources for learning Ruby on Rails. Many of these were given to me by Miles at coderpath and the guys at FV.rb.

  • Working with Rails a site for all of those that are involved with Ruby on Rails. There is a cool ranking system that encourages you to participate in the rails community. See my profile and connect with me.
  • Learning rails podcast. Just started this one but it was recommended. Not one to listen to in the car or while walking the dog. You really have to pay attention to get the info.
  • Rails lessons on Smashing Magazine. Just as I started to learn Ruby on Rails Smashing Magazine started a series on learning Rails. The link provided is to a search so it should be up to date with their information on Ruby on Rails.
  • Learning Rails book. Yeah I know the dead tree version is bad for the environment but I just don’t do PDF books. Anyway, this book was recommended at the book for designers that want to learn Ruby on Rails. Frontend deisgner/developers just think a bit different than those backend peeps and this book is supposed to be way better for us. I’ve started it and nothing seems hard to understand yet but I’ll put up a full review when I finish.
  • Peepcode: Professional Ruby on Rails screencasts. Not a free option but if you need to learn ROR fast this is supposed to be the way to do it. Not quite ready to spend money on this but if I’m looking for screencasts I’m going no further.

That’s the list that I was given. What are the Ruby resources you recommend?