Genres: Big Tech
More Human – Steve Hilton
In More Human former UK government insider attempts to propose a way to make life more suitable to the humans who have to live it instead of the corporations who seemingly dictate so much of the life humans live. While Steve hits some good notes, he also widely misses the mark on many others. Hilton…
Everything and Less – The Novel in the Age of Amazon
This is a fairly academic look at how Amazon has affected the world of literary fiction, and genre fiction. It takes a brief look at the enshittification cycle that Amazon is embarking on as it changes it’s stance from growing the sellers on it’s platform, to driving prices down and extracting as much profit as…
Sideways – The City Google Couldn’t Buy – Josh O’Kane
This is a book about the hubris of Google thinking that despite what all levels of government told them about the Toronto Waterfront project, they would not be able to simply assume their way into more land and more tracking of people. It’s a good look at how Big Tech companies get us to believe…