Category: Book Reviews
Can Tiny Habits Change Your Life?
Habits are what dictate much of what we do. We may think that we decide to eat that extra cookie, but really eating cookies is tied to drinking coffee. We’ve done it so many times that we almost can’t have coffee without cookies. There used to be a book available on Amazon called Tiny Habits,…
Lost In A Sea Of Detritus It’s Time To Purge
I’ve got two entire drawers of spare cords and hard drives and … random electronic detritus. I swear I’ve been through the drawers at least once a year and I’ve never been able to get it below two drawers. At the same time, I can’t tell you the last time I was actually in them…
Becoming a Multiplier is Good for Business and Good for Fatherhood
While you could focus on building a mini-kingdom, or hoarding all the amazing people both of those things are terrible paths as a manager. I’ve regularly told my coaching clients that your only job is to make sure that those under and above you look marvellous. Unfortunately, way too many managers take the first two…
Get the Behaviour You Want with Your Kids, and no drama
A few weeks ago, I had a terrible parenting night. I yelled at my daughter. She was in tears; I was in tears once she finally was in bed. Worse, three days later she did something every kid does, she was a bit defiant, and I was instantly angry. I was still worked up over…
Is Average Over? What will it take to make your way?
I regularly say, “who wants to be average anyway”? Usually, the answer is no one because average is broken. Average is purchasing things you can’t afford to impress people you don’t like. So maybe that’s why I purchased Average is Over by Tyler Cowen? Maybe it was the fact that I’ve heard Malcolm Gladwell say…
The Long and Strong Career You Want Is Marked by Rest
I hear stories of long days all the time. Like some badge of honour, I’m told of multiple 12 or 14 hour days. My clients tell me these stories with the expectation that I’ll be impressed with their dedication. But I’m not, and you shouldn’t be either. How about we take an entirely different tack…
There Is Power in Meaning: a Look at How to Find It
I don’t think that most of us are truly questing after success, at least not as typically defined by the world. Yes, we want enough money to afford some nice things. Enough that we can create margin in our lives. We don’t want every day to feel like a struggle to meet the necessities. What…
How to Build a Prosperous Business
We all want a prosperous business. A business that pays the bills, and leaves something extra for us to enjoy life. While some professions trade in ‘hard goods’ that are needed, like a website update, coaches trade in things that no one needs. If you didn’t get coaching today, you’d keep doing what you’ve always…
How to Make Your Communication Compelling and Get Your Prospects to Take Action
We are all selling our ideas to others, all the time. In meetings, whether formal or informal, we are trying to get support for our plans and dreams, and at times, the stakes are monumentally high. It’s on this note that The Compelling Communicator starts. If you don’t believe that, then stop reading here. If…
The Old Business Profit Equation Is Broken, Take Profit First
When you start a business, you dream of one that lets you live the life you want to live. You joke and say it’s sitting on the beach drinking adult beverages, but that’s not what most people are striving for. Knowing that you can pay your bills, live comfortable and take the vacations you want…