Category: Book Reviews
Marketing the Duct Tape Way
Over the years I’ve recommended Duct Tape Marketing more than once. I read it when I was getting my business started and found it very helpful. Any book that sticks with you for years is worth reading a second time. This is the real test of a book’s sticking power — if it holds your…
Want more referrals than you know what to do with? Read Unstoppable Referrals by Steve Gordon
When you ask almost any business owner where most of their business comes from you’ll hear ‘referrals’. The thing that’s sad is that when you ask them how they get referrals they usually say something that sounds good but isn’t truly actionable. It’s airy-fairy nonsense when you think about it, though it sounded good at…
Is your marketing effective? Audit it with The Brain Audit by Sean D’Souza
The Brain Audit begins by offering you a great vacation, but in a language you can’t understand. Presented with this situation in real life, would you accept the offer? Stop and think for a second. Someone you only maybe sort of know comes up to you, says something in a foreign language and then quite…
Is your business different? Learn to escape competition with the book Different by Youngme Moon
Everywhere we look there are brands. I sit in Starbucks drinking something fancy and cold, typing on my Apple laptop in some reasonably crazy Top & Derby socks and my choices at some level were all designed to say something about what I value. In theory I value a decently made drink, a nice laptop…
Tribes by Seth Godin: Which Tribe Do You Lead?
Seth Godin is the renowned author of books like Purple Cow and Linchpin and a myriad of other familiar books around marketing and being awesome at your work. Tribes is his book about what it takes to get leverage with your idea. That leverage comes from leading a Tribe and the leverage that leadership brings.…
Learn to Triumph Over Trials: The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday
Our actions may be impeded…but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. – Marcus Aurelius from The Obstacle is the Way Right in the preface of The Obstacle is the Way author Ryan…
Accomplish more of worth and suffer from less distraction: Deep Work by Cal Newport
Sure, Slack is great. So is Twitter, and Facebook. I loved it when OSX added iMessage as a core part of their operating system, giving us the ability to send and receive messages. With all of these things added to my life at no point did I realize how lean I was slicing my time.…
Fighting Resistance and Listening to your Muse: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is an oft-cited book for any ‘artist’ to read. While Pressfield mainly talks about a more typical artist in the book (painter, sculptor, writer…) I extend this to anyone doing creative work. Even those writing code. In The War of Art, Pressfield attempts to address the invisible force…
You already have Enough: A look at contentedness with Patrick Rhone author of Enough
Are you content? I don’t just mean with your earnings or family or relationships, but I mean with everything? Do you feel you’re ‘famous’ enough? Are you happy with the number of pants and shirts you own? Alternatively, are you just waiting for the next released T-shirt from whatever your favourite band is? Are you…
Is Happiness an Advantage? Looking at The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
We all know people who are generally happy and others who are generally unhappy. Some people just seem wired to be one or the other. The happy ones remain so, despite the tough world that sometimes wages around them, while the unhappy ones could win the lottery and be upset that they had to spend…