Shortcuts to make your Evernote workflow faster
I’m gearing up to write a few big posts on Evernote, but I figured I’d give you a taste today. Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts and methods I use to make Evernote more useful to my workflow. Evernote Shortcuts All of these are executed inside the Evernote application. ⌃⌘m – Move a note…
John’s got it wrong: Auto-updates are a place for innovation
But one feature that that iOS 7 is bringing to the table is auto-updates for users for their apps – at first glance this seems like a really good idea but I think it’s the exact opposite. I think it’s a terrible idea. John Saddington I should start this post by saying that I’m not…
Where’s the total cost of ownership Flywheel
I love trying out new services but I hate how secretive people are about the prices of their ‘beta’ services. Being so secrective means I’m not even going to bother trying the free account. Flywheel Hosting Flywheel sounds pretty awesome actually. Possibly even worth me moving off my Media Temple GS. Unfortunately I see nothing…
ROI on WP Pros
WP Daily launched WP Pros last week and I was able to get in before launch. In the interest of disclosure, I was given a limited time free account. The real question with any service like this, is how do you decide if it’s worth $20/month (or whatever your particular cost is)? I’ll show you…
Mentor Yet?
The longer I’ve been running a business, the more I want to input in to others. When I think of the type of person I want to hire I often think about the coder that has a bit of experince but needs some molding. When I think about my business, I keep coming back to…
The Freelancer’s Show 066
We had an awesome discussion about marketing your business in ways that others just aren’t. How about hand writing a note, sending clients a gift at the end of a project… Lots of awesome ideas.
Have a Better Monday
Carrie has a great post about how to have a great Monday next week. My top tip is to not check my email. I decide Friday what I’m going to do Monday till noon and that is what I do. Way to easy to get bogged down with things that just aren’t important.
You Better Say No!!
A very typical outcause of such an activity as this is that one realizes how impossible it is to sustain such busyness as well as how incredibly hard it will be to move forward with a new project or new career or vocation while having all these other things in tow. Great article from John…
I Don’t Ask for Referral Fees
This week I wrote about why you should be plugging others in your field, today we’re going to address the topic of referral fees. Referral What? For those that may not be familiar with the concept it goes something like this. I send you work and because I was nice enough to send you work,…
What Grass to Water
In a Twitter DM conversation Brian Krogsgard accused me of not plugging myself enough. He’s probably right, as much as I know about WordPress and running a business I simply get more joy from plugging others. More than that, I’m probably a bit shy about throwing myself a big party for any little thing I…