Wanted to put a few of my goals out there just so that others know about them and I can’t cut out as easy.


Finish a Product

I’ve got more than one idea for a product with WordPress. Everything from training resources to full on plugins that I want and don’t see in the WordPress realm. I’d like to finish one.

Get a Theme on .org

I am a WordPress Theme Reviewer but don’t have a theme up on the repository right now. I’d like to build at least one and have it up.

Review More

I am a theme reviewer but I’m a lazy one. I need to review more themes.


Beat my Buddy

I’m on Strava and I’d like to give my friend John a good challenge on the local hills. I had the KOM on the local mountains till I introduced John to Strava, I want them back or at least be trading places with him for the lead.

Drop Some Weight

I’m 5’9″ and about 185lbs. Not heavy but not super lean either. I’d like to drop a bit of weight (170lbs even) which I know will help with the goal above.

Train with Better Purpose

Yes riding should be fun, and I enjoy training. Not every ride is a hard core workout but if I want to get faster I need to have a bit more structure.



I’d like to write more this year, not only on WordPress stuff but on life in general. Sure no one cares but me, but I care and it’s my site so deal.


This site needs a serious facelift.

Now you know and knowing is half the battle.