While the bulk of the [article][tools] is a list of apps and services to use for a business there is another take away. That is, don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.

Yes you could design a site from scratch and build it, but you could also buy a [Themeforest][themef] WordPress template which will look great. Now I’ll take a second to state here (as a WordPress dev) that while Themeforest themes may look great, I have never encountered one that had code work a grain of salt. In my opinion, get a theme so you don’t have to worry about that aspect of a business launch but make sure you plan on replacing it with something built for you that is not a steaming pile of code crap.

The rest of the post is a decent list of ways to make building a business easier like, hosting email with Google Apps and having an automated deployment system for your app ([Beanstalk][bean] is my choice).

I didn’t give away all of the list though so go take a read.

[tools]: http://www.nashcoding.com/2011/05/31/building-a-startup-12-priceless-tools-for-launching-your-mvp/ “Building a Startup: 12 Priceless Tools for Launching your MVP”
[themef]: http://themeforest.net/?ref=curtismchale
[bean]: http://bnst.lk/ijAHTm “Beanstalk”