I’m way behind on my income reports, but here is the one for February.

Overall February was awesome. Income was up from January and I’m well on track to hitting my goals for the year. The huge increase in income has allowed my wife to leave her job (which she just didn’t enjoy anymore) and I’m way less stressed than I have been.

Febraury Income

These are all before taxes and fees. So each book sale looses a portion to Stripe or PayPal. Most clients pay online so that means 99% of the income looses the fees.

  • Clients: 12867
  • Other: 7.80
  • Book: 200.32
  • Total: 14075.12

Again the clients category is pretty obvious. Someone paid me to build a website, web application or consult on something.

Other was again a sale of Gravity Forms. They just happen as they happen so it’s nice to see a bit of extra $$ from time to time.

Finally is the book. Sales are way down after the launch. I made 882.19 in January on the book and 200 in February. I’ve got a post brewing on if I think the effort for the book was worth it.

What about You?

So are you hitting your income goals for the year? Are you stressed about hitting them? Less stressed because you are hitting them?