If he waits for a job to be good enough to deserve his best shot, it’s unlikely that he’ll ever have that job – Linchpin
This is Seth Godin talking about a grocery store clerk he calls Steve. Steve shows up and does the job, but phones it in.
If Steve is waiting for a job that’s worth his effort, it won’t come along he’ll keep teaching himself that all he has to do is show up.
Lots of times I’ll hear from freelancers that they’re waiting to give their best service to their first client over 10k. But they’re fooling themselves just like Steve.
They’re teaching themselves that it’s okay to be late all the time with work. To do a half-assed job. Because the client is only paying ….whatever.
You’re not ready for your first 4-figure client until you’re knocking it out of the park with a $500 client.
You’re not ready for your first 5-figure client until you’re delivering mind-blowing service to a 4-figure client.
If you can’t produce good work at those two level first, don’t expect to get a higher paying client. You haven’t earned the right to serve someone at higher prices.
You’re not providing enough value to deserve it.
There is nothing that says just because you’ve been building sites for people for five years, that you deserve a 5-figure project. There is no ‘time in chair’ that qualifies you.
You either provide the value, or you don’t.
If you want to know if you’re providing that value, ask yourself, what would your client be looking for if they were looking for someone that was much better than you.
If you can’t come up with something, then just maybe you are ready. Maybe you are providing enough value.
But maybe you’re not inventive enough, and you’re not ready.
Ask yourself that question and then put together a plan to become that person that’s much better than you currently are.
Have an awesome day!
PS: If you’re looking to set better goals and build that awesome business, check out my 8 Week Business BootCamp to get you on the right track.