Successful businesses are profitable organizations charging for products or services. They have certain expenses – payroll, tools, hardware, probably an office space or a warehouse – you name it.
In order to break even and start growing, they need to ensure that there are viable and profitable business opportunities. In other words, someone has to pay for all the work. – Actionable Strategies to Writing a Business Plan for Startups

I want to note one line above: someone has to pay for all the work.

I was talking to someone recently who tried a niche. Tried to get out and shake hands. Tried…everything as far as I could tell and was now in the position of “loosing their house.”

The longer I talked with them, the more hopeless they made the situation out to be. Two notes:

First: In general, having a niche to market to gives you a focus for your marketing. You should have a niche.

But, if you’re not offering a service that the niche wants. If you’re only offering them something you think and feel they should want, you’re not going to make sales.

Having a niche you talk about is only the first step. Then you need to dig in with that niche to make sure that you’re offering something compelling. If you’ve “niched” and haven’t talked to your market about your services, you’re fooling yourself.

Second: Maybe it’s time to get a job. If you need money now, then you need a job. A job pays you in two weeks.

There is nothing wrong with getting a job. Your first priority is to feed your family and keep a roof over their heads.

A fridge box is a toy, not a home. Keep it that way.

Unfortunately, when I suggested that, it was all more hopeless. Getting a job is seen as failure so it’s not an option.

A job feeling like a failure is all about you. It’s about wondering what other people will think about where you’re at and the image you’ve built for yourself. I write about running a freelance business, and I’ve looked seriously at getting a job to help finish my transition into coaching and training.

I wrestled (and still am wrestling) with what that means to my readers. The thing is when I’ve talked to my coaching clients, they mostly tell me it’s cool and we keep talking about where their business is at.

They’re too busy thinking about how their business is working to worry about me. It’s a good reminder, that almost no one outside yourself is thinking about yourself.

Hopelessness and Never

I will never take a job at a coffee shop.

I will never take a job hauling garbage.

I will never work in the food service industry.

I will…do anything it takes that is not morally objectionable to keep food on the table for my family.

By the time you get to the level of hopelessness I heard in my conversation, there is nothing I can do to help you. No one can help you at that point. You’re done. Get a job and throw in the towel for now.

Get your self confidence back.

And…don’t say never. Do what it takes to keep the food flowing and the rain off your head.

Never is a terrible word. Use it with great caution.

And don’t let yourself get to that level of hopelessness. I’m willing to talk with anyone once if you need help. Just book the damn call.

If you’re struggling in silence with no clients and not enough income and few people to talk to.

It’s your own damn fault. Book a call and talk on the off chance that I can help you make some changes before it gets too far to be salvageable.

That call is FREE. Why on earth wouldn’t you take it?

Have an awesome day


PS: Book the stupid call already. Getting a second opinion about your business is a great idea. I do it all the time.

Photo by: curtismchale