This week I’ve been taking some rest from all my outdoor activities as I work to heal up a bit of a nagging injury. It’s hard when you want to be outside running to take that time off. Just like it’s hard to take a step back from work when you’re driven to succeed.
Remember to take some rest so that you can give your work your all. Without rest, you don’t have the energy to produce awesome work.
What I Shipped
Monday I dug in to how going analogue with my productivity system changed my email practices. Truth be told, they’re changing a bit again as I’ve got 99% iPad Pro with everything. I get some of the features I liked in Right Inbox from Spark now. I did to a minor update to it, but I’m planning a revamp to Analogue Productivity that will detail it all with more accuracy.
Tuesday we looked at Paid to Think on Should I Read It. If you’re in to lists and lists and lists and processes, then you may find more utility in it than I did.
Wednesday I talked about the fact that most of your industry doesn’t know you and that you must vet your clients if you want good work. No client vetting, be prepared to be unhappy with the work you do.
Thursday I looked at what 10x content looks like, not 10% content when I looked at The 10x Marketing Formula from Garrett Moon of Coschedule. You can get it in audio or written version. Purchase The 10x Marketing Formula on Amazon.
Freelance Friday Five
1. Finding Stillness: Resting at Home in the Middle of Chaos : zen habits
My house seems to always be chaos. Just before my wife left with the kids to do some clothes shopping I couldn’t help but wonder which one of them was dying. Turns out they were just singing, at least thats’ what they called it.
Yet I can still sit here in the midst of it and feel like I’m resting and recharging. Chaos is life if you have kids and it’s a wild and awesome ride. Embrace it.
2. 3 thoughts on a decade of publishing books
Yes it’s about writing, and many of you aren’t writers. The key I see here is that you need to keep being a fan of your craft. If you code, but don’t care to look at more code later in the day maybe it’s not the place for you. Maybe it is because it finances the stuff you love, but don’t die on some hill over it. The hardest part is if you’re not staying current with your day job you’re becoming irrelevant.
It’s hard to stay current because so many businesses don’t provide proper time to stay current. They expect you to stay current on your own time. That should scare you.
3. Dads—10 Things Not to Say to Them | Working Mother
I’ve been looking for good blogs by Dad’s that are wrestling with what it means to be a working dad and handle child care like I do. While not a dad article, this was a great one. I’ve had almost every one of those things said to me in the 7 years we’ve had kids and it’s always annoying. As far as we have gone getting women equality in so many places, we need to make it okay for dad to do all those traditional “maternal” roles without hearing about it.
PS: If you know of good dad blogs, people writing about what being a dad is today in the midst of juggling work and home please send them my way.
4. Seth’s Blog: After the hiccup
Seth Godin addresses the fact that we all make mistakes with our customers and that it’s what we do when we make a mistakes that matters. Get over the discomfort and make it right and you probably have a customer for life.
5. Stop Imitating The Habits Of Successful People: It’s Killing You – Darius Foroux
This is why I try to say that I’m just telling you what works for me. Use it or not. Remix it to make it work for you and where you want to be.
And…that’s it for today. If you find good articles that will help others run their business well, or be as intentional about home as work, then I want to know about them so send them my way please.