Over the years I’ve been helping freelancer’s the biggest question I get is: “How do I get clients.”

The big problem that most freelancer’s run into after they get an answer to that question is they get busy. Then they don’t have time to do the marketing that works and they hit a point in their business with no work.

Jason Resnick and I are delivering a course to you on Friday November 30th at 3:30pm EST to help you stop this cycle. You can hear me talk about it in the video above.

In addition to 2 hours of live instruction and Q/A time you’ll get:

  • Video Course on Freelancer Sales Bot
  • Video Course on Client Vetting Emails
  • Video Course on Time Blocking
  • Automated Lead Email Sequence
  • Effective Client Email by Me (Curtis)

Like many things I do, this is also a bit…odd. Most things go on sale on Black Friday but not this. It’s going to cost more so get it now while the getting is good.

Purchase Now!