Startups are not small businesses, well not usually anyway. To be clear the requirement to be considered a small business is by the number of employees you have hired. If it’s not above a certain number you don’t qualify. Anything less than 20 is considered a micro business. Anything above 20 and under 500 is considered a small business. So startups are in a unique position whereby they really are the little guy in the business world.

Entrepreneurs are the types to start startups and take on a lot of risk. Usually, young and fresh entrepreneurs don’t have a lot of capital themselves, they don’t have many connections and they’re on their own in many they do. However, just to own a startup, you have to be bold, have guts, smarts and charisma. And yet even with this bold and bullish attitude, it can be daunting to go to your first startup event. You realize you’re not the only one with a great idea and the passion and drive needed to succeed.

Early bird gets the worm

To get the best position possible in the venue, you need to book your spot early. Of course a front and center position will cost more. It’s a good idea to get to know the leaders and organizers of such events as rubbing shoulders with them can help you get some insider knowledge which could help your standings. The early bird also gets the worm, so you need to not just plan your space ahead of time but your overall presentation. Consider buying event equipment such as from where they have fabric stretch wall displays, flags, banners, floor mats, tents and shades to name a few things. Get to the event venue early, and start setting up before most others have even got out of bed. Get comfortable with your surroundings.

Get to know the competition

At event shows, you get to put names to faces. Now you will see who really is behind the startups that you will be competing against. Just because you have your own stall doesn’t mean you’re not an attending guest. Use your time to survey the area, go over to rival businesses and check out what kind of products and services they currently have. Also, take note of their future plans. You should even speak to them, get to know their thinking and maybe even swap ideas. If they have things you can try and experience for yourself, then take the opportunity. Take notes of all the relevant things you see, hear and touch.

Planning makes perfect

It’s difficult to describe but you should plan for every eventuality that is within reason from occurring. Maybe one of your screens malfunctions that was displaying a product launch trailer on loop. Have a spare at the ready. Maybe one of your employees will not show up due to being sick, have someone on standby who knows the talking points.

The more you plan for a startup event, the more you wash away your anxieties. Get to the venue early and set up before anyone else to get a feel for your surroundings. Make sure you have the best kind of equipment for your booth to stand out.

Photo by: valiantize

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