Joe Casabona is focusing on depth this year.
My theme last year was supposed to be space/margin as in I needed more of it. Sitting here on January 3, I failed pretty bad at it. I’m feeling more stressed lately and like I have less control of my time.
It comes down to a few things.
- My wife works and I want her to do what she wants but that also means I have to be done work at 3pm every day no matter what got done because my kids need to be watched. Well they need someone around and I want to be a good Dad and hang out with my kids. I haven’t been doing great at this and they’ve been watching a bunch of TV when I’m done work while I do…mostly nothing that’s very important.
I’d rather not do much programming for others, but that’s what pays the bills and anything new I try has to bring in the same amount of money. I don’t have much room to take any risks with my time. Now luckily we paid off all our debt years ago so what we need to make is fairly low and that does mean I can only work about 50% of the time on client stuff, but still I wish I had more time to pursue what I find interesting. Of course at some point somebody has to pay me in some fashion for the output of those investigations. Maybe it’s a book, maybe it’s ad revenue as I do more YouTube stuff.
Ultimately my goal for the year is to finally get that space and stop feeling so stressed all the time. My plan, cut a few things in January. Write a book in January/February for launch late February/March.
Then move on to some courses on:
- Vim
- DEVONthink & DEVONthink To Go
- Other stuff I’m sure I’ll think of
In theory with more income coming in from things that don’t take my direct input anymore I’ll have more time freedom.
So…wish me luck.