[CJ Chilvers](https://www.cjchilvers.com/blog/reading-is-an-action) talked about reading being an action and while I dismissed the idea at first I find myself coming back to it. Specifically as I find cool sites like [Strong Towns]() which talks about many things I’m highly interested in.
This weed I subscribed to the site and was greeted with 10 articles that looked interesting. Naturally I saved them in [DEVONthink](https://curtismchale.ca/2020/05/18/devonthink-read-it-later) so that I can read it.
If I’m honest with myself, my DEVONthink inbox is a *wish to read* list not a list I will get through.
Instead if I take a cue from Chilvers I would file the site away and when I’m ready to dig deeper into city design I search the site specifically because it fits with the action I plan to take.
As my job has changed this feels like one workflow I need to look at because I can no longer spend a day reading interesting stuff because I want to.
## I Shipped
Monday I talked about being a [leftie and using the Bullet Journal V2](https://curtismchale.ca/2021/02/22/a-leftie-s-bullet-journal-v2-review). While there are some nice things, there are also some parts of the V2 notebook that are less than ideal.
Today I looked at the [business of writing with Scratch](https://curtismchale.ca/2021/02/26/learn-about-the-business-of-writing-in-scratch). Decent set of essays from working writers, though I’m not sure I’d recommend it to many people.