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Darin gives us a good summary of 10x notes with Zettelkasten.

Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

I don’t do handwritten digital notes but here is a pro/con list for the practice.

Folgezettel vs Structure notes?

Jamie wrote about his struggle with tags for his files.

The Anatomy of an Antinet Zettelkasten. That’s an analogue system.

Sticking with analogue, here is the Dash/Plus system for tasks and notes in the day. It’s a single 3×5 card and a master list.

Matt Birchler shared how he captures ideas from books and articles.

Concise video by Darin on why you need a Second Brain (or PKM system). Then they also have a good video on choosing a PKM system.

This was a brief but interesting paper on academic work and research methods. It would seem that academics spend so much time on low-value work they have trouble doing high-value writing. The bibliography is excellent and I have a few papers to read and books on the way.

How about doing sketch notes in your PKM system?

Maybe we need to purchase the 2nd Edition of How to Take Smart Notes because it has more examples in the appendix for Luhman’s system.

Some thoughts on deciding which tags to use for a note.

How do you start building your first notes with links?

Top-down vs bottom-up argument building.


For the Notion, users check out this PKM and GTD workflow with a template you can download.

Bryan Jenks took an extensive look at Dendron in this video.

The Sweet Setup has updated its comparison between Roam and Obsidian.

There is a new PKM tool to look at called Subconscious.


Here is a good Twitter thread on Advanced Queries in RemNote.

Looks like there is some recent frustration in the length of time it’s taking to get the RemNote iOS client. I get it, I left Obsidian because of the delays and came back when it made sense.

Seems users are having trouble importing Anki to RemNote.

The logseq team should be starting internal testing on their sync service.


Craft’s latest update brings us Templates and an updated Home Screen. Going to have to take a deeper look at the templating features in Craft.

While templates are nice, you can’t create your own template yet.

FlohGro released a way to launch Shortcuts from Craft.

Would be nice to get notifications on a note if the time stamp you embedded reaches today.

When to store source files in with your research.

If you’re a student using Craft Deserena would love to know your workflow.


Intro to why you Zettelkasten and then how this YouTuber implements the process in Obsidian.

Here is my video on launching Shortcuts in Obsidian: Supercharge Obsidian with Obsidian Shortcut Launcher.

For those getting started with Obsidian Danny gave a good rundown of how to get your setup going.

@Gavmn built a way to link Things tasks and Obsidian with deep links.

The Minimal theme has come out with an update. This is one theme that’s on my list because it brings enhanced design functions.

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.

Getting Started with Zettelkasten

If you’ve been wondering about what Zettelkasten is and how to start organizing your notes with this excellent system then this course is for you. I’ll cover the basics of choosing which tool to use, how to take notes, how to deal with linking your notes, and much more. You can also become a member to get all my courses.

$99 USD (30-day guarantee)