Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to.

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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

Mickey wrote about how he thinks AI will change the need to organize notes. (medium)

Will AI end the need to organize notes? (web/newsletter)

Danny talks about why Notion is so popular. (youtube)

Hyperlink maximalism. (web)

I’m skeptical that AI will change the need to organize your notes. (web) It sounds good though, because you won’t have to work so hard anymore.

Nicole talks about notes for RPG games for Andy. (youtube)

17 Questions to sharpen your thinking. (medium)

RJ Nestor on managing handwritten notes. (web/newsletter)

In a world of effectively infinite information, the better you get at sifting the wheat from the chaff, the more you end up crushed beneath a never-ending avalance of wheat – Oliver Burkeman (web)

Something Interesting

Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.

This was an interesting article on workism (our love of work) in modern times. Read it on The Atlantic or Apple News+. It also got me to read this paper on the diffusion of time using vs time saving technology. This is a paid paper, but a free account gets you 100 articles a month.

We’re being sold the fantasy that massive electric vehicles which pose an increased risk to human life, equipped with excessively large batteries that rely on a vast expansion of environmentally damaging mining, are our solution to the climate crisis because it’s a PR win for governments and opportunity for industry to cash in. – Paris Marx (newsletter/web)


How to scan text into your DEVONthink notes. (web)

I’m saying goodbye to DEVONthink. (web/video)

Quick capture tips for Notion. (web)

Some simple Shortcuts for NotePlan. (youtube)


Whiteboards will be available to everyone for free. (youtube)

TfTHacker posted about logseq. (medium)

Simple queries in logseq. (youtube)


Using Zavala for outlines with Craft. (youtube)


Taking notes on people in Obsidian. (youtube)

Is this the “least scary” Obsidian guide? (youtube) Seriously, I love Matt’s work you should watch this. I entirely agree that lots of content showing off Obsidian is made up scenarios.

Danny’s top 10 obsidian plugins. (youtube) I need to look at that Zotero one.

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.