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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

Here’s a fairly detailed dive into Wolfram Alpha notebooks and the programming language behind them. (web)

Jamie has some features he’d like to see enabled across your whole system to help track notes/documents. (web) His first item is available on macOS with Hookmark. Hookmark lets you link documents/tasks/stuff together across applications much like PKM tools do backlinking.

Using handwritten personal journals as a source for Zettelkasten notes. (web) I use Leuchtturm notebooks which have page numbers and each one gets a year-volume identifier. So 2023-1-123 is page 123 of the first notebook used in 2023.

Here’s a deep look at who killed Google Reader. (web)

What to do when creativity runs out? (web) We’re not machines. If you’ve been around long enough you’ll note that when I have a week off I don’t find a guest editor, I just don’t publish a newsletter. While guest editors are great, I just don’t want to have to check it over.

Napping is good for you. (web) When by Daniel Pink describes it as a Zamboni for the brain, wiping away the cruft that built up while you used your brain. Read my review of When. (web)

I did a video about the 4 mistakes that note-takers make. (web/youtube)

Something Interesting

Because we’re all looking to expand our minds a bit.

Two good articles on how AI is a problem and won’t save us.
AI won’t save the world. (web/newsletter)
AI is eating itself. (web/newsletter)


Take Control of DEVONthink has been updated. (web) This should be free to all DEVONthink purchasers.

Bulk note import from Evernote to Apple Notes. (youtube)

Some of the best apps for creating your PKM system. (youtube)


There are a number of very nice new possible logseq logos in this thread. (web)

The logseq onboarding handbook is almost done. You can find a well edited draft here. (google docs)

How to set page banners in logseq. (youtube)

Habit tracking in logseq. (web)

Obsidian vs logseq from How to Simple. (youtube)


TfT Hacker has published a vault to help you learn everything you need to know to use the Cornell Notes system. (web) It’s not free but at $19.99 it’s going to save you so much time it’s totally worth the cost.

OmniFocus and Obsidian Workflows. (youtube)

Moving notes from Obsidian to Word. (youtube)

Big update to Excalidraw, here it is on steroids. (youtube)

Excalidraw has live collaboration. (youtube)

Nicole did a 2023 tour of her Obsidian vault. (youtube)

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.