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Bigger Ideas
Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.
Sebastian on why solopreneurs should keep a journal. (web) I’d go further to say that you should just keep a journal. I look back at notes from early parenting days and see how hard it was, and also remember they joyful times I had with my kids. Many of these times would be lost to memory without a written account.
How about this as a simple file management system? (youtube) Sigh, 5 levels of files, but you can have 99 folders in the categories? It didn’t feel simple right from the beginning.
If you’re looking for a distraction free phone Brandon looked at the Boox Palma. (youtube)
Some book recommendations, including Digital Zettelkasten. (substack)
Finding novel research gaps in your field. (youtube)
The Gamification of Reading is Changing How We Approach books. (web)
Kill Zone reviewed How to Read a Book. (web) I recommend reading How to Read a Book now.
How a Doctor uses PARA to organize. (youtube) I wasn’t sure about this video in the first 30-seconds…but then I got the joke.
How to capture notes on physical books. (youtube) I always love seeing what methods other people use.
Here are some note-taking methods and templates you can grab. (youtube)
Here’s a preview of the Atomic Note-Taking book. (youtube) I’m on the list to get it when it comes back.
When you get a dopamine hit from the false first step of simply buying a product or watching a video that you hope will help you, but you stop at that point without ever taking action or applying anything new to your life. – Shawn Blanc
I think that many/most people get hopemine hits from reading about note-taking and changing tools. Few people really want to sit down and do the hard work of thinking about their notes and turning them into something.
Greg on his journaling workflow. (web)
How to choose your next non-fiction book? (youtube)
Creating a Writers Bullet Journal. (web)
Greg talks about organizing your digital notes. (youtube)
Academia is broken, due to some data mismanagement. (youtube) Make sure you cite your sources and use data properly without just asking for the results you want to see. Hearing about stuff like this makes me wonder what on earth we should believe in studies.
Do you move slowly enough to find inspiration? (web)
Something Interesting
Because we’re all looking to expand our minds a bit.
This is an excellent video about the ad based internet going away. (youtube) I certainly see that ad revenue on YouTube is trending down for me and despite people “loving” my content, they don’t love it enough to pay for it. At some point I’ll have to look at the content I produce and stop stuff that just doesn’t make sense anymore.
Saying LLMs/AI are going to replace programmers is a category error. (web) It’s likely a category error for many other fields LLMs are going to “replace” as well. I recently heard a discussion about how it may kill clickbait though, because listicles are so easy to build with LLMs the value of them is going to go down and thus ad revenue will tank and then maybe we won’t have this type of drivel that pollutes the internet.
There are some nice quality of life improvement now available in Instapaper. (web)
I took a first look at Bear 2.0. (youtube)
Mozilla is shutting down Pocket for macOS. (web) I hate this. I don’t want iPhone apps everywhere or to use the web all the time. I want good native apps on all platforms, including my Linux machine. The web is a distant second best. There is a Pocket API though so maybe someone will make a good macOS app? If there is one out there already reply and I’ll share your suggestions next week.
If you don’t have a good tool, maybe Heptabase is what you need. (youtube)
Organizing your life with Milanote. (youtube)
5 top plugins for logseq. (youtube)
Essential and useful Obsidian plugins. (web/forum)
Danny sings the praises of Canvas. (youtube)
Nathan shares his Obsidian setup. (youtube)
The easiest way to setup Obsidian Git. (youtube)
Connecting the Dots in Excalibrain. (youtube)
How to connect ideas in Obsidian. (youtube) This is a live example of connecting notes.
Get Obsidian to remember everything. (youtube)
The top 3 improvements Ranbir made in his Obsidian workflow in the last 30-days. (youtube)
Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.