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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

Bob Doto is running a 4 week course on Writing with Zettelkasten. (web)

Citations and references in research articles. (youtube)

I shared a video taking down my notes from The Good Enough Job. (youtube) Some become basic notes, and some turn into writing prompts.

9 triggers to help you achieve flow. (youtube)

5 things I wish I knew (Building a Second Brain). (youtube)

Keeping the Zettelkasten in Mind When Creating New Notes. (web)

Making better decisions. (youtube)

Setting up a Second Brain in Notion. (youtube) Bit of an ad, but good content as well.

Morgan shared a note-taking session. (youtube)

Building a second brain with commonplace books. (youtube)

Slow productivity leads to 500 documents published. (web) This seems like a dream, as in I want it and it feels unlikely to get. It’s worth noting that the subject of reverence was first top in his field, then got the space to work one day a week and think.

How Danny focuses 8+ hours a day. (youtube)

Something Interesting

Because we’re all looking to expand our minds a bit.

It’s probably impossible to be neutral about China. (web)

This energy vault is a terrible idea. (youtube) Actually, the whole channel showing how tech entrepreneurs are just repackaging stuff we already have but making it “fancier” is great.


Here are some new formatting features in NotePlan. (youtube)


If you like the Minimal Theme but want to see different colour palettes Trevor has you covered. (web)

Table Top Gamers – here is a look at properties from a channel dedicated to your usage. (youtube)

Obsidian and Zettelkasten beginner tutorial. (youtube)

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.