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Using an iPod Video for 30 days

This video was an excellent look filters and music. I have Filterworld on my shelf already and this made me even more interested in the book but what really spoke to me about this is a few albums that have come out recently that I wanted to sit down and listen to, but never had the time. I miss listening to music when that was the only activity I had to do, but maybe a 44-year-old dad working and training to ride bikes doesn’t have that type of time anymore.

There are 3 more videos in the series which are on my watch later list now.

Single Tasking

Greg on his one task mind. I agree with him on my love for the iPad and it’s single/minimal ability to build a distracting environment.

Revenge of the Essayist

CJ Chilvers takes on AI drawing the humanity out of writing. But humanity is what many people want in their reading. I follow friends like Chris and Matt for their opinion. I don’t always agree with their thoughts, but digging deeper into what they write helps inform my opinions.

The more personality I see in writing the more likely I am to read it.