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Introvert Friendly Work

Jeffery Way, founder of Laracasts, has an excellent article about a working life that’s friendly to introverts and parents.

Two hours with your children at the end of the day before bed…is unacceptable.

I didn’t miss the first steps of my children, or their first words. I worked in the bedroom during those years and got a loud call from downstairs as the events happened so I could take an hour to join and enjoy the growth of our 3 children. It’s not always roses though. Right now my wife is away with our oldest for a week which leaves me with all the house chores and taking care of our two other kids (8 & 10). Yes they’re fairly independent, but I still have to approve TV time, get them to clean up after themselves and deal with a myriad of other things while I try to get focused time at work without interruption.

Despite these negatives, I’m still not interested in going to an office. I like my crazy freedom to set my hours and take a break to throw the ball for the dog in the middle of the day. I like the freedom we had to move from Chilliwack BC 8 hours north to Prince George BC because my wife got a good job and my location doesn’t matter.

Maybe I’d make more money if I had stayed in the Lower Mainland and gone to an office, but I’d have less life.

Own Your Text

This is a sad story of someone loosing access to their Google Docs account. Google doesn’t respond in any meaningful way and the end result is voices are silenced because they talk about sexuality.

Stick with plain text that you have a copy of. Yes I use Obsidian sync, but each device I have keeps a copy of all my files and I back that copy up automatically nightly on to a local server that the Obsidian team can’t touch. I have no reason to mistrust them in any way, but we should all keep copies of our work for ourselves in places that no one but us can touch.

The math on how books sell

This is an interesting look at how many books sell and the math behind it. I guess every book I’ve written is really 3 or 4 books by the time you count softcover/hardcover/digital (Amazon)/digital (Kobo)/audio which vastly dilutes the numbers since each edition of the book counts for itself in sales.