It’s time to get uncomfortable, folks. Doing the same things we have always done because they are the path of least resistance is not going to cut it anymore. The times of ignoring the bad for the little comfort benefits are over. – Comfort
You rant about Apple’s choices and then pick up the new shiny iPad. Your words are meaningless. Not buying is the power you have to make a statement. Handing them a sternly worded letter with a check attached is a waste of breath. Apple does not give a fuck about you.
I was happy to see Framework’s updates yesterday. An interesting desktop, another laptop upgrade and a 12″ Linux capable convertable laptop. LTT has a good round up of what was announced.
I’ve been using my Framework as my all the time computer for more than a year now and I love it. Fedora is great and I don’t miss the Apple hardware. My next machine will be a PC I build running Linux.
Apple is just a business, and yes they make a very capable base Mac Mini, but everything outside of their base machine is a price gouged piece of hardware that helps support a company that is bending knee to a fascist government.