It’s no secret that I write, and write a bunch. I’m going to end 2017 with around 215k words published in some fashion. Some of them are scripts that got turned into videos.
Some of it turned into three different books.
But most of it was given away free on my site. Over the years I’ve published over 1400 posts here, plus two other sites that had a few hundred posts that are now dead.
So yes, I love writing and think it will do amazing things for your career. The question always is, how do you break through the noise and become a voice that people listen to? I’m asking myself this question as well.
Well, Andrew Chen, has put together what he’s learned after 10 years of professional blogging.
My biggest takeaways are, I need to work on the titles of my longer pieces more. Really, I need to work on the SEO of my big posts and come back to them and revise them and keep making them better. I’m already doing that a bit, but I need to put more effort into it.
Focus on getting email addresses. This isn’t news, we all know it. I need to do better at this which will be one of the focuses over 2018. Slowly building my email list while keeping my open rates above the 30% I have now.
I don’t agree with not writing on Medium. I’ve been republishing a bunch of content there this year and have seen a bunch of traffic and email addresses. The note there is that I’m republishing not writing original content that’s locked away on Medium. In fact, it’s been the 2nd most successful strategy for building my audience with the first being getting on as a guest on podcasts.
So, why aren’t you writing? If you are, why don’t I know what you’re writing about? I’ll be doing much more sharing of great stuff here in 2018, as you can see I’m starting now. Tell me where you write so I can follow you.